We’re rolling our GDXJ call contracts to a higher strike price and October 18th expiration date.
Spec Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
We’re buying GDXJ call contracts.
Income Model Trade Alert — CENX & GDXJ
We are closing BOTH our CENX and GDXJ put positions to lock in profits and free up capital for new plays.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
We’re selling GDXJ puts for income.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
We are closing our GDXJ puts to manage risk.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
We’re selling GDXJ puts for income.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ & UNG
We’re closing BOTH our GDXJ and UNG put positions.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
We’re selling GDXJ puts for income.
Three Ways to Play Gold’s 2023 Surge
Gold is surging higher to kick off the new year. Here are three ways to invest in gold and gold stocks to profit from the trend.
Income Model Trade Alert — GDXJ
Rolling our GDXJ puts to a higher strike price and February expiration.