We’re rolling our SQ call contracts to a higher strike price.
Spec Model Trade Alert — SQ
We’re buying SQ call contracts. Block Inc. (SQ) provides a popular payment service for merchants and is also the parent company for Cash App — a peer-to-peer payment network. Shares are breaking above a key resistance area today as cryptocurrency enthusiasm continues to pick up momentum. SQ offers crypto transaction services as well as more […]
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We are closing our SQ puts to manage risk.
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We’re selling SQ puts for income.
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We are closing our Block Inc. (SQ) puts to lock in profits.
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We’re selling SQ puts for income.
Income Model Trade Alert — EDU & SQ
We are closing BOTH our EDU & SQ put positions to lock in profits and free up capital for new plays.
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We’re rolling our SQ puts to a lower strike price and March 15th expiration date.
Income Model Trade Alert — SQ
We’re selling SQ puts for income.
Is This Bitcoin Rebound For Real?
The bitcoin rebound is picking up momentum. Here are some ideas to help you grow and protect your family’s wealth.