Welcome to the Arete Trading Program.
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Please understand this is a placeholder for the Trading Program. A few quick points to keep in mind…
You’re Here Because I Value Your Opinion
Thank you for being willing to look over this program and help me with feedback.
For now, this model is not available to the public. I haven’t yet created the full infrastructure (legal disclaimers, waivers, privacy policy, etc) necessary to present this to anyone but friends and family. So please don’t share this information with anyone.
If there is someone you think would benefit from the information — or someone that might be interested in working with me to develop or market the product please let me know.
I appreciate any feedback you can offer — feel free to email me at Zach@ZachScheidt.com.
Nothing is Set in Stone
This is a working model and I’d love to hear what you think would help make this a better product. Some of the things I’m mulling over…
The Name of the Program
My company is Arete Publishing, LLC. But that doesn’t mean the product(s) need to be named after the company.
- Perhaps the Income Model needs to have a name that communicates reliability and trust.
- Maybe the Speculative Model should have an aggressive high-octane name.
- For the watch list, maybe build intrigue with something like “The Little Black Book.”
Product Organization
I built the two models to work together… There’s a lot of benefit in the barbell approach. (Some aggressive trades, some conservative plays, and a plan for how to balance the two strategies).
But there may be more of a market to pitch them both separately.
- Market the speculative model as a product for aggressive traders.
- Market the income model as a product for those who need income.
- Use the 20/20 Watch List as a lead-gen or front-end product (or both).
- Create a high-value bundle product that includes all.
- This bundle product would add a “portfolio” element with 3 different models for balancing the two approaches based on risk profiles and different levels of aggression.
White Label Possibilities
I’m open to building and managing a product for someone else — possibly white labeling a product for another publishing group.
While I haven’t thought through the details of how this would work, it’s something I would be willing to discuss.
Future Developments I’m Considering
- Text messages for new trades
- Creating an App with push notifications / trade alerts / portfolio tables
- Automatic portfolio trading for customers
- (This would probably require regulatory approval and may be more trouble and expense than it’s worth.)
There’s a lot more to discuss.
Please note, I’m creating categories in the drop down menus above for the different models, trade alerts, position reviews and so forth.
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