Selling JD puts and OPEN puts for income.
JD is a Chinese retailer that has largely escaped the regulatory crackdown in China. As Chinese stocks begin to rebound, JD should be a strong candidate to move higher.
OPEN is a digital platform that helps real estate buyers and sellers. The stock traded lower after Zillow announced it would exit the home buying market. But then the company reported strong earnings kicking off a new leg higher for the stock.
Both positions give us a great chance to collect income while giving us a buffer in case shares pull back.
- Sell (to open) 1 JD December 17th $80 put
- Limit: $2.75 or more
- The new position will represent roughly 7.8% of our model.
~~~~~ - 14:28 Executed
- Sold 1 JD Dec 17th $80 Put @ $2.79
- Sell (to open) 3 OPEN December 17th $21 puts
- Limit $1.00 or more
- The new position will represent roughly 6.2% of our model.
~~~~~~~ - 14:29 Executed
- Sold 2 OPEN Dec 17th $21 Puts @ $1.06