Today I got to watch my buddy Adam start a 50K trail race. That’s 31 miles of running through the woods!
Adam’s a champ… He’s already knocked out a 50 mile race this year — something I’ve yet to attempt.
Watching the runners head out on the trail today reminded me of a personal post I wrote earlier this year on Facebook… Just some lessons I’ve learned form trail running that can apply to other areas of life.
Hopefully there’s something here that resonates with you.
If so, I’d love to hear about it! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think — or maybe share some of your own life lessons you’ve picked up along the way.
I hope you’re having a great weekend… I’ll be back with you tomorrow to chat about the best opportunities for growing and protecting your wealth!

Trail running has so many correlations to other areas in life. I’m learning a lot through this process of building endurance and training for some big challenges this year.
A few thoughts that came to mind on my run this morning…
Trail conditions – like life – change from day to day… or even within a single day. Sometimes it’s sunny with just the right amount of shade. And other days it’s cold, muddy and just plain miserable. Visibility on those days can make you wonder if you’re even on the right path…
Some days you get to the trail with your “A” game and absolutely CRUSH your goals. Other days it’s all you can do to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. (But you do it anyway… because, well, that’s what you do!)

I’ve had days running on the trails with my training family. Some of the best conversations and closest friendships have been forged out there in the woods. And the parallel in life… those people who share the path with you – on the good days and the bad ones – offering encouragement and kindness (you know who you are)… I’m so grateful for so many of you!
Of course there are days on the trail – and in life – when you’re trekking alone as well. There can be beauty in solitude and I absolutely love the time alone to think, pray, sing (because no one can hear me haha) and just “be.”

This time of year, there’s a lot of death and decay in the woods. Brown is the dominant color and the trails are broken by “shadows” instead of the softer “shade” of summer. But even in the midst of dead leaves and branches you can see the first signs of spring starting to emerge. Some days you just have to look a little harder to find it.
Trail runners fall. It just happens. (I had two tumbles today). Some of them are just inconvenient. Others can be more embarrassing. And there are falls that leave you bloody and injured. But when you’re in the wilderness, you have no choice but to get back up, dust yourself off and keep going.
It’s ok to walk sometimes. Heck, sometimes you even need to sit down and get your $@#% together. For long runs (and life) this can be part of the process. Give yourself the grace to catch your breath. And strangely, your second wind can show up in the most difficult places when you least expect it!

Detours… I HATE detours. When I set a plan or make a promise, I’m the guy who moves heaven and earth to stick with them. But sometimes detours happen. A trail is blocked, an opportunity is lost, a situation changes. Having the flexibility (and being willing to EMBRACE the concept of change) has been a challenge for me. But trail running is helping me learn…
One final thought… There’s value in taking the time to stop and gain perspective. Looking back over the ground you’ve covered, contemplating the path ahead, just being grateful for being “in the game” is a big part of what makes life so beautiful.
Just a little ramble following a tough (but fulfilling) day on the trail.