We’re selling our BILL put contracts.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — BILL
We’re buying BILL put contracts.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — BILL
We’re rolling our BILL put contracts to a higher strike price and June 16th expiration.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — BILL
We’re rolling our BILL put contracts to a higher strike price and May 19th expiration.
SPEC Model Trade Alert – BILL
We’re rolling our BILL put contracts to a lower strike price.
Spec Model Trade Alert — BILL
Rolling our BILL put contracts to a lower strike price.
Spec Model Trade Alert — BILL
We’re buying BILL put contracts.
How I’m Positioned for Today’s Fed Announcement
Today’s Fed announcement could be an important turning point for the market. After a January stock market rally, Powell has some work to do!
SPEC Model Trade Alert — BILL
Buying BILL put contracts.