We’re rolling our TEAM put contracts to a higher strike price and an October 18th strike price.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
We’re rolling our Atlassian Corp. (TEAM) put contracts to a lower strike price.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
We’re rolling our Atlassian Corp. (TEAM) put contracts to a lower strike price and a September 20th expiration.
SPEC Model Trade Alert – TEAM
We’re rolling our TEAM put contracts to a higher strike price and an August 16th strike price.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
We’re rolling our TEAM put contracts to a lower strike price and a July 19th expiration.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
We’re rolling our TEAM put contracts to a lower strike price and a June 21st expiration.
SPEC Model Trade Alert – TEAM
We’re rolling our TEAM put contracts to a May 17th expiration date.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
We’re buying TEAM put contracts.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
Selling our TEAM put contracts to lock in profits.
SPEC Model Trade Alert — TEAM
Rolling our TEAM put contracts to a lower strike price and December 16 expiration date.