Timing ODTE options can be extremely difficult (and risky). Here’s a better way to use options for aggressive trades.
Forget ODTE! The Only Options I Buy For Myself
ODTE (or Zero Days Till Expiration) options are becoming popular with traders. But I prefer different contracts for my aggressive trades.
What to Expect in the Fourth Quarter
After 3 consecutive quarters of losses, many investors are discouraged. But there are plenty of opportunities heading into the fourth quarter.
This Stock Market Indicator Points to a Bounce
There’s a lot of fear in today’s market. But despite the selling, one stock market indicator is signaling a bounce!
Investors Buying “Stock Insurance” – Here’s How to Profit
The price for “stock insurance” — or put contracts that protect investors’ wealth — is rising. Here’s how to use that to your advantage!
Investment Income Part II: Finding the Best Income Plays
In part II, we cover which stocks to use for income plays and how to pick a put contract that pays the right amount of income
Investment Income Part I: My Favorite Strategy
Introducing my favorite way to get investment income from the stock market. It’s a unique strategy that pays you real cash!
An Overlooked “Fear” Chart That Could Boost Your Income
Market weakness is causing Wall Street’s “Fear Index” to spike. Here’s how to use that panic to your advantage.